Polish Network of Digital Innovation Hubs

The Polish Network of Digital Innovation Hubs creates a cooperation platform for institutions providing services related to digitalization, wishing to combine their competences and ensure the standards.

Polish Network of Digital Innovation Hubs

The Polish Network of Digital Innovation Hubs creates a cooperation platform for institutions providing services related to digitization, wanting to combine their competences and take care of the standards of work carried out. These activities are aimed to make a PNDIH the first choice for enterprises (in particular SMEs), as well as for public administration entities, in terms of supporting their digital transformation due to the unique knowledge that enables the creation of market-specific solutions.

Types of consortia in the Polish Network of Digital Innovation Hubs

  • European Digital Innovation Hub – regional – are consortia that have received funding from the Digital Europe Programme and have declared that they will cover a specific area.
  • European Digital Innovation Hub – specialized – these are consortia that have received funding from the Digital Europe program and indicated a focus on a specific area, e.g. cybersecurity.
  • European Digital Innovation Hub – Seal of Excellence – these are consortia that have not received funding from the Digital Europe Programme, but have met the requirements set by the European Commission EDIH.

Click on the marker on the map to go to the subpage of the selected center or use the Navigator at the bottom of the page to search for centers according to selected criteria.


  • regional
  • specialized
  • Seal of Excellence

Digital Innovation Hubs

Digital Innovation Hubs are one-stop-shops for enterprises, created in response to the challenges related to digitalization; they operate locally and in close cooperation with entrepreneurs. The offer of DIH consortiums includes a wide range of specialist services, both training and consulting, as well as implementation. Activities undertaken as part of the Polish Network of Digital Innovation Hubs serve to combine the competences of the centers and to initiate cooperation and effectively build an ecosystem of services supporting digital transformation throughout the country.

The establishment of a network of European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) has been indicated as one of the key activities to implement the assumptions of the Digital Europe Programme. EDIH are intended to function as the so-called one-stop shop, providing comprehensive support primarily for the small and medium-sized enterprise sector and building their competitive advantage through the implementation of digital solutions and modern technologies. In addition, they are to support entities from the public administration sector by developing the infrastructure of digital services and interoperability solutions that will generally increase the well-being of citizens, including: reducing administrative burdens and increasing the efficiency and quality of services provided.

Service Categories

Test before you invest

Enabling that technologies can be developed, designed, delivered and validated prior to actual implementation. Providing knowledge and technological solutions for low-cost testing of digital solutions and matching them to the company.

Support in obtaining financing

Providing comprehensive support to help find the necessary funding for companies’ digital projects. Securing investment and accessing finance for SME’s growth both from EU financing mechanisms and from the funds of financial institutions or investors.

Building an ecosystem and networking

Connecting entities (public administration, large enterprises, SMEs, universities) in order to dynamically introduce digital technologies into everyday use.

Training and competence development

Offering a wide range of specialised training programs to obtain an adequate level of digital skills within the supported entities in order to make the best use of digital technologies.

Digital Innovation Hubs Navigator

Find out which digital innovation hub can support your company’s digitalization!