Stress relief annealing

Description of the technology

Stress relief annealing reduces residual stresses from manufacturing processes without changing the structure or properties of the material. This is done by heating the metal to a certain temperature and then cooling it in a controlled manner. This helps to remove any internal stresses caused by quenching or other manufacturing methods, thus avoiding potential future problems.

Alternative technologies

  • none

Visualisation of action

Workpiece material types

  • steel

Examples of products

  • steel structures
  • pipes
  • tanks
  • shafts
  • gears
  • sleeves
  • lathe knives

Implementation of the technology

Required resources

  • heating furnace

Required competences

  • on-the-job training

Environmental aspects

Water consumption

Energy consumption

Waste generated

Expert evaluation



Environmental impact

Development centers

  • AGH University of Krakow
  • Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of Polish Academy of Sciences
  • Warsaw University of Technology
  • Cracow University of Technology
  • Łukasiewicz – Upper Silesian Institute of Technology
  • Czestochowa University of Technology

Legal conditions

Companies using the technology