Quantum Computers

Description of the technology

Quantum computers are advanced computing devices that use the principles of quantum mechanics to perform calculations. Unlike classical computers, which process information using bits, quantum computers operate on qubits, which can take on multiple states simultaneously. As a result, quantum computers have the potential to solve highly complex problems, such as molecular simulations, optimisations, and cryptography problems, that are beyond the reach of classical machines.

Mechanism of action

  • Quantum computers manipulate qubits that can be in a superposition state, which enables them to process multiple pieces of information simultaneously. With quantum entanglement, qubits can work together to solve complex problems more efficiently. Unlike classical computers, which perform calculations linearly, quantum computers can process multiple possibilities at the same time, significantly speeding up calculations for specific tasks.

Implementation of the technology

Required resources

  • IT infrastructure: Highly advanced computing and cooling resources for quantum computers, which require specialised labs.
  • A team of scientists and engineers: Experts in quantum physics, engineering, and computer science who develop and optimise quantum computer technologies.
  • Research environment: Adequate facilities for testing and developing technologies, including quantum laboratories and advanced simulation software.
  • Access to the quantum cloud: Cloud services offering access to quantum computers can be an important resource for companies and research institutions.
  • Simulation tools: Advanced quantum simulators to test quantum algorithms before running them on real quantum computers.

Required competences

  • Knowledge of quantum mechanics: Experts must have an in-depth knowledge of quantum mechanics to understand and use principles such as superposition, entanglement, and quantum interference.
  • Quantum algorithms: Ability to create and optimise quantum algorithms, such as Shor’s algorithm, Grover’s algorithm, and others, that take advantage of the specific properties of quantum computers.
  • Quantum programming: Knowledge of quantum programming languages, such as Qiskit, Cirq, or Forest, to develop applications and simulations on quantum computers.
  • Computer engineering: Ability to design and test computer hardware capable of handling quantum computing, including managing low temperatures and minimising decoherence.
  • Managing multiscale computing: Knowledge of methods and tools for integrating quantum computing with classical computing systems, which enables the effective use of the power of quantum computers in conjunction with existing infrastructures.

Environmental aspects

  • Energy consumption: Quantum computers, especially those operating in cryogenic conditions, require a large amount of energy to cool and maintain proper operating conditions. Investing in more efficient cooling systems and using renewable energy can help minimise environmental impact.
  • Electronic waste: The production and upgrading of equipment needed for quantum computers generate waste electronic devices that need to be properly recycled to reduce environmental impact.
  • Reducing resource consumption: Quantum computers can help reduce the consumption of natural resources through more efficient simulations, which can reduce the need for physical testing and research in some industries, such as chemistry or materials science.
  • Energy optimisation: Quantum algorithms can help optimise energy consumption in various sectors, such as energy, logistics, and manufacturing, which can lead to reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

Legal conditions

  • Data protection: Quantum computers could threaten current cryptographic systems and thus regulations, such as GDPR, have to be adapted (example: data protection under GDPR).
  • New cryptographic standards: New cryptographic algorithms resistant to quantum attacks are needed (example: post-quantum cryptographic algorithms).
  • Licences and patents: Quantum technologies must be protected by relevant intellectual property laws (example: quantum technology patents).
  • Export control: Quantum technologies may be subject to export regulations due to their strategic applications (example: export regulations in the US).
  • Information security: Standards, such as ISO/IEC 27001, must address the risks associated with quantum computers (example: compliance with ISO/IEC 27001).

Companies using the technology