Measurement Techniques and Devices for Photonic and Optoelectronic Systems

Description of the technology

Measurement techniques and devices for photonic and optoelectronic systems include a wide range of methods and apparatus for measuring optical and electrical parameters of systems based on photonic phenomena. The devices are used to precisely monitor and describe the properties of light beams, such as intensity, wavelength, polarisation, and spatial distribution. They are also used to analyse the optical properties of materials and components and to test the performance of optoelectronic systems, such as detectors, optical fibres, and lasers. Their main applications are in telecommunications, industry, precision optics, and scientific research.

Mechanism of action

  • Measurement techniques in photonic systems are based on the interaction of light with measured objects. Depending on the application, they can use phenomena such as reflection, refraction, interference, diffraction, or absorption of light. For example, spectrometers analyse the spectral composition of light passing through a sample to determine its chemical or physical properties. Interferometers measure changes in distance by comparing the phases of two light beams. Beam analysers and profilometers study the properties of a beam or surface based on precise measurements of intensity distribution and optical structure. In each case, the measurement results are processed by electronic circuits for further analysis and visualisation.

Implementation of the technology

Required resources

  • Advanced measuring devices: Spectrometers, interferometers, beam analysers, and optical scanners.
  • State-of-the-art optical components: Lenses, mirrors, detectors, and light sources.
  • Analysis software: Tools for processing and visualising measurement data.
  • Laboratory infrastructure: Laboratories equipped with appropriate tools and apparatus.
  • Specialists in photonics and metrology: Experts in optics, electronics, and data processing.

Required competences

  • Optical metrology: Knowledge of methods for measuring optical parameters (e.g. interferometry, spectroscopy).
  • Programming measurement applications: Developing software for measurement data acquisition and analysis.
  • Data acquisition systems: Configuration and management of systems for optoelectronic measurements.
  • Visualisation of results: Creating advanced tools for presenting measurement data.
  • Calibration: Ability to calibrate measurement equipment and evaluate its accuracy.

Environmental aspects

  • Energy consumption: High energy demand for precision measurement systems.
  • Emissions of pollutants: Minimal emissions during operation of equipment. However, contamination may occur during production of some components.
  • Waste generated: Production waste from used optical materials and chemical residues.
  • Recycling: Difficulties in recycling advanced optoelectronic materials.
  • Raw material consumption: High consumption of specialised raw materials, such as rare metals.

Legal conditions

  • Protection of intellectual property: Regulations for the protection of patents for measurement techniques and unique hardware solutions, including protection of software and data analysis methodologies.
  • Occupational safety: Health and safety standards for working with optical systems such as high-power lasers. Regulations for the use of protective equipment, such as safety glasses and specialised clothing.
  • Device certification: Requirements for equipment compliance with safety standards (e.g. CE, IEC) and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) standards.
  • Export regulations: Regulations for the export of advanced measurement systems, especially those used in military research and dual-use technologies.

Companies using the technology