Human-Machine Interfaces (HMI) for IoT

Description of the technology

Human-machine interfaces (HMIs) for IoT are systems that enable user interaction with smart devices and IoT systems. HMIs in the context of IoT include both physical interfaces (e.g. touch panels, mobile devices) and virtual solutions (e.g. mobile apps, voice control, augmented reality). Their purpose is to enable users to monitor, control, and analyse data generated by IoT devices and adjust the operating parameters of IoT devices in real time. These interfaces can take the form of interactive dashboards, applications with Artificial intelligence elements, or advanced data visualisation systems.

Mechanism of action

  • Human-machine interfaces for IoT are based on collecting data from IoT devices, processing it in real time, and presenting it to the user in an easy-to-understand form. Users can make changes through input interfaces (e.g. clicks, voice commands) and the system transmits the appropriate commands to IoT devices to change their operating parameters. These interfaces are key to enabling rapid response to changing conditions and adapting system operation to user preferences. Modern interfaces can also integrate augmented reality (AR) and machine learning elements, enabling more intuitive control of systems and real-time data insights.

Implementation of the technology

Required resources

  • HMI devices: Touch panels, interactive displays, and wearable devices.
  • Software: User interface development tools, such as Qt, SCADA, and Unity.
  • Network infrastructure: Stable links for real-time communication.
  • UX/UI specialists: Experts in designing intuitive user interfaces.
  • Security systems: Monitoring and user authentication tools.

Required competences

  • UX/UI design: Creating intuitive user interfaces to control IoT devices.
  • Application programming: Developing mobile, web, and desktop applications to support IoT.
  • Human-computer interaction: Knowledge of ergonomic principles and HMI communication methods.
  • Access management: Implementation of authorisation and user management methods.
  • Virtual reality and AR: Creating HMIs in the context of augmented and virtual reality.

Environmental aspects

  • Energy consumption: Optimisation of energy consumption of interfaces and display devices.
  • Emissions of pollutants: The manufacture of HMI components, such as LCD screens, generates chemical contamination.
  • Recycling: Difficulties in recycling complex display modules and sensors.
  • Raw material consumption: High demand for rare metals in display and sensor manufacturing.
  • Waste generated: Difficulties in disposing of HMI devices at the end of the product life cycle.

Legal conditions

  • Safety of use: Standards for the safety of human-machine interaction in various environments (industry, medicine).
  • Privacy protection: Regulations for the protection of data sent across interfaces (e.g. GDPR).
  • Device certification: Standards for electromagnetic compatibility and electrical safety of HMI devices.
  • Ergonomic standards: Regulations for ergonomics of user interfaces to minimise the risk of injury or fatigue to users.
  • Export regulations: Export regulations for HMI technology with strategic or military applications.

Companies using the technology