Designing Digital Replicas of Physical Objects, Processes, and Systems

Description of the technology

Digital replica design involves creating digital equivalents of real objects, processes, or systems. These replicas are created using specialised software and data collected from sensors and monitoring systems to accurately replicate the structure, dynamics, and behaviour of the real object. Digital replicas are used to simulate, analyse and optimise processes and to assess the performance and condition of objects.

Mechanism of action

  • The process of designing digital replicas begins with gathering data about the real object, such as dimensions, materials, movement dynamics, and other properties. The data is then processed in simulation software to create a digital copy. The model is updated based on sensor data, which enables simulation of the object’s behaviour under different operating conditions and analysis of its performance.

Implementation of the technology

Required resources

  • CAD models: Tools for designing geometric models of objects.
  • Simulation software: Tools for dynamic simulation of object behaviour.
  • Computing servers: High-performance servers for Big Data processing.
  • Simulation specialists: Experts in creating digital copies of real objects.
  • Integration systems: Platforms for combining data from different sources.

Required competences

  • Systems engineering: Design and optimisation of technical systems.
  • Computer simulation: Creating simulation models.
  • Programming: Ability to implement simulation algorithms.
  • Project management: Organisation and coordination of implementation projects.
  • Cybersecurity: Protecting digital replica data from attacks.

Environmental aspects

  • Energy consumption: High energy demand of computing systems.
  • Waste generated: Problems with recycling decommissioned equipment.
  • Emissions of pollutants: Indirect emissions from electricity consumption.
  • Raw material consumption: High demand for electronic components.
  • Recycling: Problems with recovering materials from complex computing devices.

Legal conditions

  • Data protection: Regulations for the processing of sensitive data.
  • Engineering design regulations: Industry standards and certifications.
  • Intellectual property: Patents for methods of creating digital replicas.
  • Data security: Regulations for the protection of data from unauthorised access.
  • Export regulations: Export control of simulation technologies.

Companies using the technology