Blockchain Software

Description of the technology

Blockchain software includes a variety of tools, applications, and platforms for creating, managing, and integrating distributed ledger systems (DLT). It encompasses smart contract programming tools, transaction processing applications, cryptocurrency wallets, and platforms for developing decentralised applications (dApps). Blockchain software makes it possible to build and run distributed applications, providing a secure and transparent exchange of value and data.

Mechanism of action

  • Blockchain software is based on the interaction with the blockchain network infrastructure, enabling users to create, sign, and transmit transactions and smart contracts. The dApps platforms enable developers to create decentralised applications that run on peer-to-peer networks, eliminating the need for central servers. Software tools enable integration of various applications with the blockchain, while cryptocurrency wallets provide secure storage for private keys and digital assets.

Implementation of the technology

Required resources

  • Development teams: Specialists in blockchain application programming.
  • Software platforms: Tools for developing, testing, and deploying applications.
  • Key management systems: Tools to securely store private keys.
  • Open-source software: Frameworks and libraries for building blockchain applications.
  • Computing servers: High-performance servers to support application operations.

Required competences

  • Programming: Knowledge of blockchain programming languages, such as Solidity and Python.
  • Cybersecurity: Securing applications from attacks.
  • Data analysis: Transactional data processing and analysis.
  • Application design: Creation of user interfaces and application logic.
  • Project management: Coordination of implementation projects.

Environmental aspects

  • Energy consumption: High power consumption of servers supporting network operations.
  • Raw material consumption: High demand for electronic components.
  • Recycling: Problems with recovering materials from advanced computing devices.
  • Emissions of pollutants: Indirect emissions from the use of electricity.
  • Waste generated: Electronic waste from equipment replacement and upgrades.

Legal conditions

  • Data protection: Data protection regulations for blockchain applications.
  • Intellectual property: Blockchain software patents and smart contracts.
  • Digital security: Regulations for securing software against attacks.
  • Industry standards: Standards for building and testing blockchain applications.
  • Financial regulations: Regulations for the use of blockchain applications in finance.

Companies using the technology