
cleaning, protecting against corrosion, ensuring the appropriate condition of the surface layer (e.g. roughness) and the aesthetics of the part, preparing the surface of the part for the application of subsequent coatings

machine, automotive, aviation industries

Shot-blasting is the process of cleaning or altering the properties of the surface layer of metal parts by using a jet of highly abrasive substances. The abrasive jet is generated by compressed air or by the centripetal force of a turbine, sometimes called a blast wheel.

In order to carry out the process of shot-blasting, loose abrasive material is used: cast steel shot, alumina, crushed glass and garnet.

Alternative technologies
  • laser cleaning
  • sandblasting
  • fine cleaning of the surface of components of various dimensions (including very large ones)
  • improved aesthetics of machined parts
  • improvement of corrosion resistance
  • negative effects of the abrasive medium on the environment and people
  • difficult process conditions for the operator
  • the need to dispose of the medium
  • moderate durability of the shot-blasting equipment (due to the dynamic effects of the abrasive particles)
  • steel
  • non-ferrous metals
  • non-ferrous metals alloys
  • railroad rails
  • track components
  • bridge structures for railroad infrastructure
  • reclaimed pipes
  • metal structures
  • metal components for reuse
  • shot-blasting machine with abrasives
  • training in finish machining
  • extensive practical experience in abrasive machining processes

Water consumption

Energy consumption

Waste generated



Environmental impact

  • none
  • none