
increase in surface hardness, increase in abrasion resistance

aviation industry, defence industry

Nitriding is a thermochemical treatment process in which nitrogen is diffused into the surface of a metal to create a hardened surface. These processes are most commonly used on low-alloy steel. They are also used on titanium, aluminium and molybdenum.

Alternative technologies
  • carburising
  • increased hardness
  • increased fatigue strength and abrasion resistance
  • relatively low cost
  • improved corrosion resistance
  • only for ferromagnetic materials
  • depending on the alloying element content
  • low controllability of nitrogen penetration thicknesses into the material
  • can result in increased roughness
  • low-alloy steel
  • alloy steel
  • titanium
  • aluminium
  • molybdenum
  • engine components
  • structural components
  • nitriding furnaces
  • training in furnace operation

Water consumption

Energy consumption

Waste generated



Environmental impact

  • AGH University of Krakow
  • Opole University of Technology
  • Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of Polish Academy of Sciences
  • Warsaw University of Technology
  • Cracow University of Technology
  • none