Fabryka Maszyn CNC Plot Electronics has been producing CNC machines since 2004. The company manufactures modern CNC machine tools, milling plotters, cutting plotters, milling machines, 5-axis machines and machining centres. The factory has many years of experience and dozens of proprietary technological solutions, which allows us to take a leading position as a CNC manufacturer. We don’t copy – we create and design. The Plot Electronics team is constantly working to upgrade the equipment produced so that each machine delivered is fast and precise. These two features are the basis of reliable CNC machine tools. The company’s innovative achievements include: Hybrydowy Monolit™ [Hybrid Monolith], Wahacze strukturalne™ [Structural Rockers], Ochraniacz kablowy™ [Cable Protector].

Plot Electronics
Address details and information
Areas of cooperation
Key products
- Sentinel N Series CNC machine tool
- Sentinel E Series CNC milling plotter
- Havok Series CNC milling and engraving machine
- Sentinel N 5D Series CNC 5-axis machine tool
Key processes
- production of numerically controlled machine tools
- conducting CNC training
- CNC milling
- oscillating cutting
- creation of moulds and models
- laser engraving
- mechanical engraving
Machine park
- CNC milling machines
- oscillating cutting machine
- laser engraving machine
- mechanical engraving machine
Technologies used
Other measurement technologies
Other industry technologies
- oscillating cutting
- creation of moulds and models
- laser engraving
- mechanical engraving